Video of 16-year old Jiah Khan with Mahesh Bhatt, posted by her sister. Same Mahesh Bhatt whom Alia keeps on promoting as ideal human. Horror is these same Bollywood gatekeepers who hide exploitation of newcomer females by their families/friend circle are
Mahesh Bhatt in an Islamic conference.Elsewhere he credits his mom, a Gujju Muslim, for teaching him Islam. Appeared in Zakir Naik shows, daughter Alia was top donator to Rana Ayyub's covid fund. Father projected SSR as mad after his death. Daughter Alia
Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt in an Islamic conference.Elsewhere he credits his mom, a Gujju Muslim, for teaching him Islam. Appeared in Zakir Naik shows, daughter Alia was top donator to Rana Ayyub's covid fund. Son's relationship with 26/11 terrorists is well
Unbelievable, how openly Mahesh Bhatt is justifying Islamic terrorism! And he is still free. Still carrying on with his lecherous games with young starlets desperate for a career, still feeling up girls younger than his daughter!
Mahesh Bhatt in an Islamic conference.Elsewhere he credits his mom, a Gujju Muslim, for teaching him Islam. Appeared in Zakir Naik shows, daughter Alia was top donator to Rana Ayyub's covid fund. Son's relationship with 26/11 terrorists is well known.
"Earlier I used to care now I don't I've been baptised with Mahesh Bhatt, these things don't bother me" Rhea Chakraborty
Mahesh Bhatt praises Terror accused, bigoted Zakir Naik . Bhatt had pinned 26/11 Mumbai Terror attack on the Hindus. Never forgive Never forget
Digvijay Singh and Mahesh bhat doing exactly what Pakistan would want them to do, linking 26/11 to Hindu terrorism.
This is exactly why people are rejecting #Bollywood. Old video, but good enough to show the divisive mindset. Mahesh Bhatt (converted to islam now Ashraf bhatt) and his son were lucky to escape the law thanks to UPA. Javed Akhtar is a grade-one hypocrite.
Few news articles are saying that Rajamouli is looking to cast a Top hollywood actress in SSRMB Film. Who would you cast beside Mahesh in the film?